
Erica with the kids.

Erica with the kids.

I am the CEO and founder of SentryLink, wife of Bruce, mother of Laurel and Holly. Before that I earned undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Harvard and Columbia respectively. I play viola and piano, read voraciously, and spend too much time biking (mostly with these guys).

I work with computers for a living, so as you might expect I have quite a few web pages floating around already. These include:

  • My Facebook page – good if you want to know the latest news of what I’ve been up to, also has quite a few photo albums of the family.
  • My personal web page from Earthlink. This is very old, as you can see by use of my maiden name! It does give a good snapshot of my professional and personal life before marriage and starting SentryLink.
  • My LinkedIn page. I guess I was the first Erica Kane to set up a profile there. I haven’t used it much, but feel free to connect with me if we know each other and you’re on there too.
  • YouTube channel. Bots, bikes, FLL.
  • Instructables profile. My project pages in the future are likely to be there.

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